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Our Roleplay

What do we even do?


Genshin Impact Themed RP

We all have one thing in common usually: We play, or at least know, the game Genshin Impact. And somehow we all started to like it, and wanted to delve deeper into it.
If you don't know Genshin, don't worry, we got you covered. You will find a guide on this site in the Wiki Section.


Literate Roleplay

We emphazise on literate roleplay. This means we don't really want roleplay output that only consist of a single sentence. 
We usually spend quite the time with each other, and putting a certain level of care in our roleplay output shows that we respect each other.
But everyone has a bad day once, and if you really want kinda loose RP, we also got you covered (point 3)


Canon and Non-Canon RP

This server is about community and fun. And to give players a chance to be more lenient and carefree in RP, we have a non-canon 'shenanigan' chat besides our numerous canon channels.
There you can basically RP what you want as long as it doesn't break our rules. And the lore of Genshin does not have to taken so seriously there.
But learn more in the rules section.


Game Masters!

We try to mimick the world of Genshin Impact in our roleplay, at least to the extend that we know it. Since not many infos are officially released yet about Snezhnaya and the Fatui, we create our environment on our own.
This means we have the harbingers serving as superiors, who give out quests to foster RP and create scenarios together with our Game Masters.
Our Game Masters are a bit like DnD Game Masters, directing the RP into a certain direction, with a laid out plot the players are to explore by themselves.

Let us also talk a bit more about the roleplay style itself, since we got asked that questions quite frequently. So this will serve as a little Roleplay Guide!

How detailed do I have to roleplay?
This question often gets asked in regards to location. Let's say your OC goes from Sandrone's office to Dottore's office. You don't have to start in the 'Sandrone's office' channel, roleplay that you leave the room, then go to 'Zapolyarny Palace' channel and roleplay that you go through the corridors etc. You CAN if it brings you joy, but it's not really necessary.

What will I do if my OC is in a current RP Scene and I want to play another?

This topic has been discussed quite frequently in the past on numerous servers I, Theta, have been playing on. It's a bit biased, because any approach you take has its downsides. We, at Fatui Sanctuary, settled on this:
Your OC can be in multiple scenes at once!
Yes, this can lead to problems, especially if you started a rather slow going scene, then something happens server lore wise on another RP Scene which could potentially influence the previous, still ongoing scene. This is very very rare, but can happen. IF this happens, just play the older scene independantly of any newer events. Usually being creative is a good way countering any of potential problems.

So why do we do this? Because otherwise you would need a ton of other OCs to keep you occupied. Especially if you have rather slow going scenes your OC can otherwise be blocked for a rather long time.

Sounds more complicated than it is, trust us :)

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