My apologies, my pretties.
I have been slacking here, a lot. But, to excuse my refined self - I was quite busy on the other end. What end, you ask? Well, the discord server itself of course!
Imagine, all of my slacky Harbinger comrades finally have decided to show up! We are complete now. A complete mess. cackles
Well ... but of course we have a lot of fun. We have started a little ... side business now. We are gathering scrap, or making spooktube videos together when we are not busy bickering with each other or our beloved subordinates.
Just look at that beautiful piece of art our Capitano has made (played by Varydox). I didn't know the Captain is such a good artist ...
We still need people to bolster our ranks. All for our beloved Tsaritsa of course!
All the best,
Pantalone (Theta)