Columnist:Â "Immortes"
Event runs from
[ 24.18.12 to 25.18.1 ]
Happy New Year!
For all their power and prestige, the Fatui inevitably mark the passing of time. Another year older, another year closer to dying. But that’s all the more incentive to live life to the fullest. Once a year, the lines between agent and Harbinger, noble or commoner blur in favor of good food, extravagant dance, and the shared relish of being alive. For a single night, grudges are set aside. Restrictions set in place by rank and privilege dissolve, replaced by shared toasts and the clinking of glasses. When the bitter cold threatens to freeze the very air in your lungs, one cannot help but appreciate the simple joy of living to see another year.
"The bloody crucible of war is not The Fatui's first and only recourse. Diplomacy and statescraft have their place in history; just like the assassin's dagger and a coin-in-hand, each a weapon wielded with judgement and precision" - Pierro, The Jester
A letter has arrived at the doorstep of prospective attendees willing to endure the ruthless conditions. Apart from the Harbingers, who are required attendees, various artisans will be chosen from the crowd at random to showcase their talents in front of her Majesty, the Tsaritsa. These performances serve as a form of celebration of the Snezhnayan culture and heritage, and remind Fatui far and wide that no matter the distance from home, blood is blood. It will always transcend political ties and temporary friendships because at the end of the day, blood endures.
And family is always there for each other.
For our fellows on discord the following announcement was sent from the 11th Harbinger, Tartaglia.

Cover art goes to the talented @ffffflllllgun on X
Oh how eventful it has been, indeed ... I wonder if we can ever have a normal festivity, without the special flavor of spectacle.